(ii) Uganda shall actively participate in international and regional
organisations that stand for peace and for the well-being and progress of
(iii) The State shall promote regional and pan-African cultural,
economic and political cooperation and integration.
Duties of a citizen.
XXIX. Duties of a citizen.
The exercise and enjoyment of rights and freedoms is inseparable from the
performance of duties and obligations; and, accordingly, it shall be the duty
of every citizen—
(a) to be patriotic and loyal to Uganda and to promote its
(b) to engage in gainful work for the good of that citizen, the family
and the common good and to contribute to national
(c) to contribute to the well-being of the community where that
citizen lives;
(d) to promote responsible parenthood;
(e) to foster national unity and live in harmony with others;
(f) to promote democracy and the rule of law; and
(g) to acquaint himself or herself with the provisions of the
Constitution and to uphold and defend the Constitution and the