(ii) The State shall guarantee and respect the independence of
nongovernmental organisations which protect and promote human rights.

Gender balance and fair representation of marginalised groups.

The State shall ensure gender balance and fair representation of marginalised
groups on all constitutional and other bodies.

Protection of the aged.

The State shall make reasonable provision for the welfare and maintenance
of the aged.
VIII. Provision of adequate resources for organs of government.
The distribution of powers and functions as well as checks and balances
provided for in the Constitution among various organs and institutions of
government shall be supported through the provision of adequate resources
for their effective functioning at all levels.

The right to development.

In order to facilitate rapid and equitable development, the State shall
encourage private initiative and self-reliance.

Role of the people in development.

The State shall take all necessary steps to involve the people in the
formulation and implementation of development plans and programmes
which affect them.

Role of the State in development.

(i) The State shall give the highest priority to the enactment of
legislation establishing measures that protect and enhance the right of the
people to equal opportunities in development.
(ii) The State shall stimulate agricultural, industrial, technological
and scientific development by adopting appropriate policies and the
enactment of enabling legislation.

Select target paragraph3