Nati01101 AgricuItunrl Sadr I)scr#c

1992 No. 72

A 645


feliebrriolr urd m k w of any given crop variety;

(b) tbe dsclurtion of a crop variety as a notified kind and for the
purpocrsr of this Decree, different kinds or varieties of seed may be'
notified for different States of the Federation or different arertr;,thereof.

(2) A crop kind variety intended to be registered under this scctton may
be r e q u i d b undergo a minimum of two years of test to determine its
adaptability to a particular geographical area.

8. The Seeds Standard Committee shall have responsibility for making
recommedations to the Council on matters relating to seed standard and
procedure pertaining thereto.

Seeds Standard

9. The Seed Industry and Skill Development Committee shall have
respo~sibilityfor making yomhendation to Cou~cilon matters relating to the
seed industry and skill development.

Seed Industry and

10. The Department of Training Information and Seed Extension shall
have responsibility for training and information dissemination purposes.

Departmeat of
Training and
Operating Zones
and Zonal

.11.-(1) The Council shall have tive operating Zones and five Zonal
Secretariats as listed in Schedule 2 to this Decree.

Skill Development

(2) Each Zonal Secretariat shall consist of a Director and such
professional and non professional staff as can gainfully operate the Zone
12.41) Any person who sells, keeps for sale, offers to $ell, barters or
otherwisa supplies any seed of any notified kind or variety shall apply to the
Unit for the grant of a certification for the purpose,

Seed certification.

(2) Evey application under subsection ( t S & this section shall be in such

farm and contain such particulars and fees rs may be prescribed by the Unih
(3) On m i p t of an application for the grant of a cercifiim, the Unit
may, aftef making such enquiry as it thinks fit and after srtis@ha Wf thrt the
seed to which the application relates is a pr6geny of a p&g~er: saad an4
conforms to the field and Egboratory standards fw rha dmkr this dcree,
grant a certificate in such form and on such a d i t k m rs m y be prescribed.
13.4 1)The Unit m y mvcJtz my wdii-kttirm granted under this k n s t
if it is satisfied that L e ortrlificutkm mr(l c
m hy misreprewnIatiun or W
the h a b r ~f the certifmum bm a#mvaroJa y of the lrroviricmn d thin
aaMar oo my regulations mwb -.

h u r h of

Select target paragraph3