1° establish or operate any base station or terminal equipment for radiocommunications
2° install or operate any radiocommunications network and/or;
3° make use of any part of the radio frequency spectrum for radiocommunications purposes.
Applications for licenses must be made to the Regulatory Board in accordance with the
procedures laid down by the Regulatory Board.
All applications must set out details of the frequency range sought, and the purpose, precise
manner and geographical area in which the applicant proposes to use the frequency spectrum.
Applications may be rejected, or may be required to be amended . A license may also be
amended or revoked. The reasons justifying rejection , amendment or revocation of licenses
are specified by Ministerial Decree.
Variations to standard terms are applied to all similar licenses. Variations come into effect
three months after notice has been given to license holders.
If the demand for a particular frequency range is excessive, the Regulatory Board is obliged
to hold a public auction of the relevant frequency range as soon as possible and publish
procedures for doing so and the final award in the Official Gazette of the Republic of
Unless either:
1° it rejects the application due to reasons set out in paragraph (3) of Article 47 of this law or;
2° it is necessary to hold an auction for a particular frequency range.
The Regulatory Board issues a license within one month of receiving the application. If any
coordination with other countries is required, the license will be issued within six months.
Licenses for the installation of radiocommunications terminal equipment are issued together
with a license for the use of the National radiofrequency spectrum.
All licenses are in standard format and include the conditions determined by the Minister. On
proposal by the Regulatory Board, a Ministerial decree specifies particular conditions to be
attached to any license. Additional conditions are based on objective criteria which are
disclosed to the telecommunications operator. The Regulatory Board should not discriminate
unfairly against any telecommunications operator.
Any allocated frequency may be withdrawn immediately and without notice to any
telecommunications operator in the event that such frequency is required by the Government
for the security of the Republic.
In all other cases the Regulatory Board gives at least a two years notice of its intention to
make changes to the allocated use of the frequency or to withdraw the frequency from public