(4) Subventions, grants and endowments made to the ERTU;
(5) Revenue generated from grant agreements concluded by the ERTU, within the boundaries
established by the Prime Minister (revenue surplus shall be carried forward at year end);
(6) ERTU share in the revenue surplus generated by the companies and corporations owned by,
and affiliated to the ERTU
Article Twenty One
Each sector shall maintain an internal budget, including the resources, revenues, expenditures, and
the revenue surplus and deficit.
Article Twenty Two
Without prejudice to the oversight powers and functions exercised by the Central Audit
Organization, the ERTU general assembly may designate one or more financial controller to review
and audit the ERTU accounts. The respective financial controller(s) shall be a natural person, and
shall hold the Egyptian nationality.
The General Assembly shall determine the appropriate compensation rate of the financial controller.
S/he shall be eligible to receive all the entitlements and rights granted to the regular financial
comptrollers employed by joint stock companies, and shall hereby be under the same obligations.
Article Twenty Three
The Board of Trustees shall determine the rate of duties, fees and charges in consideration for the
programs and services performed for the government apparatuses and public entities, including the
economic units thereof. The specified value of such services shall be incorporated in the annual
budgets of the respective agencies and departments, on the beginning of each year.
Article Twenty Four
The Government of Egypt shall hereby deposit into the Egyptian Central Bank the annual
subventions specified thereby for the ERTU.
Article Twenty Five
Applicable laws and legislations shall hereby regulate the imposition of statutory duties and charges
for the benefit of the Egyptian Radio and Television and Union, as well as the methods of collection
of such revenues and the importation thereof to the Egyptian Radio and Television Union.
Article Twenty Six