(f) Authorize and permit the utilization of budget allocations for purposes other than those for
which the ERTU budget shall be allocated;
(g) Approve the establishment, merger, acquisition, and/ or liquidation of the companies owned
by the Egyptian Radio and Television Union; and,
(h) Approve the designation of the financial comptroller, and the compensation thereof
Article Thirty
The General Assembly of the Egyptian Radio and Television Union shall convene its
regular sessions twice at least every year, at the call of the Chairperson thereof.
The General Assembly may call for the convening of an extraordinary session, upon the
call of the Chairperson thereof or at the request of half the members of the General
Assembly, or otherwise in response to a request made by the competent Minister.
The general assembly meeting may not be deemed or considered as legally valid unless
attended by no less than two thirds of the General Assembly members. In the event
that the specified quorum cannot be achieved, the general assembly meeting shall be
postponed for another session. The second meeting of the general assembly shall be
deemed as valid with the attendance of any given number of members.
Article Thirty One
The decisions of the General Assembly shall be made by majority vote. In the event that
there shall be a vote tie, the Chairperson, or his/ her representative or delegate, shall
hold the casting (tie-breaking) vote.
Article Thirty Two
Representatives of the Central Audit Organization and the ERTU financial comptroller
shall hereby reserve the right to attend the meetings of the General Assembly, as nonvoting observers.
Article Thirty Three
Law No (1) of 1971 on the Establishment of the Egyptian Radio and Television Union
shall hereby be repealed. Other provisions in conflict with the provisions of the present
Law shall hereby be revoked. The existing executive regulations, laws and systems shall
remain in effect, pending the issuance of the new regulations.
Article Thirty Four
The present Law shall hereby be published in the official Gazette, and shall take effect as
of the date of the promulgation thereof.
The present Law shall hereby be stamped by the State Seal, and shall be fully enforced.