Traditional and Alternative Medicine
No. 23
(b) a member from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education;
a member from the Institute of Traditional Medicine;
a member qualified in alternative medicine;
two mernbers qualified as traditional health practitioners;
a mernber from the Traditional Medicine Unit;
a mernber from the Ministry of Education and Culture; and
a member from the Ministry's Training Department.
2.-( I) The Professional Conduct Committee shall be consisted of the following
the Chairman;
three members qualified as traditional health practitioners;
two members qualified as alternative health practitioners;
a legally qualified person from the Attorney General's Chambers;
a traditional birth attendant; and
a member from the Traditional Medicine Unit.
Composition of the
(2) The Committee may co-opt any person to attend its meetings but such a person shall not
take part in any decision reached by the Committee.
3. The Research and Development Committee shall be consisted of the following members:
the Chairman;
a member qualified as a traditional health practitioner;
a member qualified as an alternative health practitioner;
a member qualified as a traditional birth attendant;
a member from th.e Botany Department of the University of Oar es Salaam;
three members from the Traditional Medicine Institute;
a member from the National Institute for Medical Research;
a member from the Commission for Science and Technology.
a member from the Traditional Medicine Unit;
a member from the Authority responsible for food, drugs, cosmetics and medical
a member from a pharmaceutical industry.
Composition of the
4.-( I) The functions of the Academic Committee shall be:
to determine the category of formal training in traditional and alternative medicines;
to identify and approve training institutions for traditional and alternative medicines;
to acknowledge the training curricula for traditional and alternative medicines;.
to scrutinize, regulate, approve, monitor and evaluate the implementation of CUTricula of traditional and alternative medicines; and
to make report to the Council.
of the