5.9.4 Using IT Equipment to Commit Offences
A. Obtaining equipment to commit an offence
The act by which a person produces, sells, imports, possesses, distributes, offers, transfers or makes
available equipment, a computer program, or any device or data designed or specially adapted for
committing an offence, or any password, access code or similar computer data by which the whole or any
part of a computer system can be accessed.
B. Participation in an association or agreement to commit offences
The act by which a person participates in an association that is formed or an agreement that is established
for the purpose of preparing or committing one or several of the offences described in this policy
5.9.5 Prohibiting Child Pornography
A. Production of child pornography or pornographic representation
The act by which a person produces, records, offers or makes available, distributes or transmits child
pornography or pornographic representation through a computer system
B. Import or export of child pornography or pornographic representation
The act by which a person procures for oneself or for another person, imports or causes to be imported,
exports or causes to be exported, child pornography through a computer system;
C. Possession of child pornography or pornographic representation
The act by which a person possesses child pornography or pornographic representation through a
computer system or in any other computer-data storage medium;
D. Facilitation of access of minors to child pornography, documents, sound or pornographic
The act by which a person facilitates access of a minor to pornographic pictures, sounds or representation
5.9.6 Hate Messages, Threat and Insults
A Possession of racist or xenophobic written documents or pictures through a
The act by which a person creates, downloads, disseminates, or make available in whatever form, written
documents, messages, photographs, drawings or any other depictions of racist and xenophobic ideas and
theories by means of a computer system.
B. Threat through a computer system
Any threat through a computer system to commit a criminal offence against a person by reason of his
belonging to a group that is characterized by race, colour, ancestry or national or ethnic origin or religion,
to the extent that this belonging serves as a pretext for such a threat to that person or a group of persons
that is distinguished by one of the foregoing characteristics.
C. Insult through a computer system
Any insult to a person through a computer system by reason of his belonging to a group that is
characterized by race, colour, ancestry or national or ethnic origin or religion, to the extent that this
belonging serves as a pretext for such an insult to that person or a group of persons that is distinguished
by one of the foregoing characteristics.


Select target paragraph3