re-training programs;
h. Improve access to e-learning to people of disabilities.
5.12.6 E-Security
The nation’s security in terms of border security, policing, intelligence, military and criminal
rehabilitation is integral to the National Poverty Reduction strategy. The objective of the security sector
is to improve the systems that gather, document and share information; The GoL in collaboration with its
international partners are committed to promote information management systems that will track
criminals and criminal activities; share information amongst security related agencies; document border
crossing activities; and ensure that intelligence community gathers information are in real-time. The
national e-security strategy seeks to:
a. Deploy ICT systems in all security related agencies;
b. Develop ICT training programs for security professional;
c. Encourage information sharing amongst security agencies;
d. Install ICT and information management systems in the judicial and court systems.
5.13 Gender, Youth and People with Disabilities
The Government of Liberia is committed to deploying ICT as tools in the process of ensuring gender
equality, empowering and recognizing women and youth in the implementation of the Poverty Reduction
Strategy (PRS) and the development process. It can be used to reduce inequalities in gender and to also
improve the lives of the disabled with the necessary technologies that can enable them to communicate
more effectively with the world. It also helps the physically immobilized to study and work from home
through the use of the internet.
The objective is to promote gender equality in areas of education, employment, land ownership and other
social benefits. The national strategy is to:
a. Develop ICT training and awareness programs targeted at youth and women;
b. Include a gender perspective in the development of ICT applications;
c. Make access to ICT education, training and literacy equitable at all institutions of learning.
d. Introduce innovative ICT programs to support, facilitate and encourage the private sector and
development partners to sponsor rehabilitation programs for challenged individuals.