The GoL shall facilitate the achievement of the above objectives by creating an enabling environment of
lower or reduced import taxes on IT-related equipment such as computers, accessories and peripheral
equipment needed for schools, health centers, community based organizations, et al.

Pursuing Millennium Development Goals (MDG) as a Priority Objective

The GoL shall employ ICT as an effective tool to help realize Millennium Development Goal objectives.
ICT shall also play a key role in achieving Millennium Development Goal in Liberia.
These goals are to:

eradicate extreme hunger and poverty;
achieve universal primary education;
promote gender equality and empower women;
reduce child mortality;
improve maternal health;
combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases;
ensure environmental sustainability;
develop global partnerships for development;

National ICT Governing Board

This policy hereby establishes the National ICT Governing Board to oversee, monitor and evaluate the
operations and implementation of ICT objectives and programs. The National ICT Governing Board
shall set the mandate and programs of the ICT sector. The ICT Governing Board shall be comprised of
the members of the ICT for Development (ICT4D) Steering Committee, which includes members from
GoL Ministries; the LTA, mobile, fixed and ISP operators and other sector stakeholders. The existing
ICT4D Steering Committee comprising of senior government officials and representatives from all
sectors of the economy (civil society, NGOs, private sector and others) shall become the National ICT
Governing Board.

ICT Champions and the CIO Governing Council

The President of Liberia shall assume the leadership of the National ICT Champion network. All heads of
public institutions such as Ministries, Agencies and Academic Institutions shall play equally supporting
roles in their various institutions as local ICT Champions to promote the usage of ICT in Government.
As such, the executive line ministries shall nominate a champion from each ministry who will become a
part of the CIO Governing Council once the CIO Regime is established.
The CIO Governing Council shall be responsible for interpreting the vision of the ICT Governing Board
which represents the vision of the country. Its membership shall include representatives from all
Ministries, the LTA, Public Agencies and mobile, fixed and ISP operators. The National CIO Governing
Council will be headed by the Vice Chairman of the ICT Governing Board.
All stakeholders including government Ministries and agencies shall ensure budgetary allotment to
support ICT objectives and programs in their respective organizations.
5.7 Chief Information Officer (CIO)
The ICT Government Board shall commission a central implementing body called the Chief Information
Office, (CIO). It shall be housed at the Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications. The CIO shall comprise


Select target paragraph3