Copyright Act, 2005
Act 690
yearsfromthe dateon which the work was eithermade,first made available to the
public,or firstpublished, whicheverdateis the later, but if theidentity of theauthor
is known orisno longerindoubtbeforetheexpiration of thatperiod,therightsof the
author shall be protected during the life of the author and seventy years after the
death of the author.
Duration of copyright in audio-visual works
15. In the case of an audio-visual work, the rights of the author referred to in
section 5 are protected until the expiration of seventy years from the date of the
makingof the work,or wherethe work is made availableto the publicduring that
period with the consent of the author, until the expiration of seventyyearsfrom
the date on which the work was either made, first made available to the public,or
firstpublished, whicheverdate is the later.
Duration of copyright in sound recording
16. In the case of a sound recording, the rights of the author referred to in
section 5 areprotectedfromthepublication ofthesoundrecording until theexpiration
of seventy years after the year of publication or, ifthe sound recording has not
beenpublishedfromthefixation of thesoundrecording, until theexpiration ofseventy
years afterthe yearof fixation.
Duration ofprotection for expr~'9'l~ .Qffolklore
17. The rights vestedin the Presrde1if~behalf of and in trustfor the peopleof
i theRepublicin respectof folklore undersection4 exist in perpetuity.
· Duration of moral rights
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· 1S; The moral rights of authors'iinder section 6 exist in perpetuity and these
;rightsshallbe enforceableby the author, duringthe lifetimeof the author, andafter
the author's death,by the author's successorswhether or not the economicrights
, vestedin the authorundersection5 are still vestedin the authoror the successor in
: titleof the author.
Permitted uses of Copyright
Permitted use of work protected by copyright
19. (1) The use of a literaryor artistic workeitherin the originallanguage or in
translation shall not be an infringementof the right of the author in that work and
· shallnot requirethe consent of the owner of the copyrightwhere the use involves
(a) the reproduction, translation, adaptation, arrangement or other
transforination oftheworkforexclusive personal useofaperson, if the
useris an individualand the workhas been made public,