Copyright Act, 2005
Act 690
(2) Despite subsection (1), a work is not eligible for copyright unless
(a) itis original in character,
(b) it has beenfixed in any definite mediumof expressionnow known
or later to be developed with the result that the work can either
directly or with the aid of any machine or device be perceived,
reproducedor otherwisecommunicated,and
(e) itis
(i) created by a citizen or a person who is ordinarily resident
in the Republic,
(ii) first published in the Republic and in the case of a work
first published outside the Republic is subsequently
published in the Republic within thirty days of its publi
cation outsidethe Republic,or
(iii) a work in respect of whichthe Republic has an obligation
under an international treatyto grantprotection.
(3) The eligibility of a workforcopyrightisnot affected by its artistic quality,
the purposeof the authorin creating it or by the manner or form of its expression.
(4) For the purposesof thissection a workis original if it is the productofthe
independenteffortof the author.
Ideas,concepts excluded from copyright
2. Copyrightshallnot extend to ideas, concepts,procedures,methods or other
thingsof a similarnature.
Ghana Government andinternational bodycopyright
3. The copyrightof work shall vestin
(a) thePresidenton behalfof and in trustfor the peopleof theRepublic;
(b) aninternational body
if the workis madeby or underthe direction or controlof thePresidenton behalfof
and in trustfor the peopleof the Republic or a specifiedinternationalbody.
Folklore protected
4. (1) An expressionof folklore is protected under this Act against
(a) reproduction,
(b) communication to the public by performance, broadcasting,
distribution by cable or other means, and
(c) adaptation, translation andothertransformation.
(2) The rightsof folklore are vestedin the Presidenton behalfof and in trust
for the people of the Republic.