Act 690
Copyright Act, 2005
(2) Thisprovision shallalsoapplywherethenameusedis a pseudonym if
the pseudonym doesnot leave any doubt as to the identityof the author.
(3) The presumption of authorship alsoapplies to workscreated by more
Infringement of copyright and related rights
41. (1) Subjectto thisActthe doing of allact contraryto
(a) the rightsof an authorundersections5 and 6,
(b) the rights of a performerunder sections28, 30 and 31
(c) therightsof broadcasting organisations undersections 33 and 34
constitutes aninfringement ofcopyright orrelated right, as thecasemaybe,andthe
rightownermayseekreliefin a civilaction undersection 44.
Copyright and related rightsoffences
42. (1) A personwho
(a) reproduces, duplicates, extracts, imitates or imports intothecountry,
exceptfor that person's private use, any work,
(b) causes tobereproduced, duplicated, extracted, imitated or imported
intothe countryexceptfor the person's privateuse any work,
(c) distributes or permits or causes to be distributedin the countryby
way of saleor otherwiseany work,
(d) exhibits or permitsor causestobe exhibitedin publicany work,
(e) removes oralters anyelectronic rights management information,
(f) distributes, importsfor distribution, broadcasts, communicates or
makes available tothepublic, works, performances, copiesoffixed
performancesor sound recordings knowing that electronic right
management information has been removed or altered without
authority, or
(g) manufactures, imports,distributes, exports,sells,rents, possesses
for commercial purposes, offers to the public, advertises,
communicates or otherwise provides any device, product or
component that is designed or adapted to remove, alter or add
electronic rights management information, or
(h) circumvents any technological protection measureappliedby the
rightholderto the protectedwork,or ,
(i) manufactures, imports, distributes, exports,sells,rents, possesses
for commercial purposes, offers to the public, advertises,
communicatesor otherwise provides without authority devices,
components, services or other means, designed, adapted, or
promoted to circumventsuch a measure, or