Act 6.90	

Copyright Act, 2005

(8) Anyexception, quantumand modalities forthedistribution ofthelevy
shall beprovided forinRegulations madeunder this Act.
(9) A personshall not importany devicecapableof copying protected
materials without payment ofthelevy.
(10) A person whoimports a device without payment ofthelevy commits
anoffence andisliable onsummary conviction toa fine ofnotless than two hundred
andfifty penalty units orimprisonment fora termnotexeeedingtwelve months.

Protection of Performers and Broadcasting Organisations
Performers rights
28. (1) A person shall notwithout theauthorization of a performer
(a)	 broadcast or communicate .a performance of the pe.rformer
directly orindirectly to thepublic except
(i)	 where the broadcast orcommunication tothepublic ismade
from apreviously authorisedfixation, or
(ii)	 where onethathasbeenauthorised by
the broadcasting organisation that transmits the first
(b)	 arrange the fixationof a performance not previouslyfixed on a
physical medium,
(c) exercise therightof reproduction of thefixation in anymanneror
(d)	 provide the first publicdistribution of the original C>r acopy of a
fixation ofa performance,
(e)	 provide or obtaina rental ofthe originalor a copy of the perfor­
mance forthe purposeof directorfndirectcommercial advantage,
irrespectiveoftheownership ()f theoriginal orcopyrented, or
(f)	 make available tothepublicafixedperfonnance by wire orwireless
means, in a waythat members of the public mayaccessit from a
place andata timeindividually chosen bythem.
(2) A performerhasthe exclusive~~ttQ authorise orprohibit
(a)	 the rebroadcasting, rental.knd distribution of a fixation of the
(b)	 thefixation of the~ance,
(c)	 thereproduction of afi~tiOJl>Qfthe performance; or
(d)	 thecommunication to thepllbJicoftheperformaneeexcept where
theperformance hasbeefilawt'ully fixedon audiovisualor audio
recording media which maybe broadcast without theconsent ofthe
performer, ifthe recordings havebeenpublished; subjectto the
payment of equitable remuneration to the performer.


Select target paragraph3