Act 690	

Copyright Act, 2005

(2) Beforethemaking ofthecopies under subsection (1), themanufacturer,
producer orproduction company shall givetheownerofthecopyright orauthorised
collectiveadministration society notice of theintention to make thecopies andthe
address at whichtheperson intends to makethem:
(3) Themanufacturer, produceror production company shall, notlaterthan
fifteen daysbefore thesaleof a copymadebythatperson underthissection, send
totheowner of thecopyright ortheperson authorised by theowner forthepurpose,
byregistered post, notice of theperson'sintention to sellor distribute in anyother
manner thecopies made.
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(4) Thenotice shall contain
(a)	 thename andaddress of themanufacturer, producer or production
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(b)	 the title of the work to which the notice relates with sufficient
description toidentify the author of theworkanditspublisher,
(c)	 thetypeofsound recording onwhich themanufacturer, producer, or
production company intendsto producetheworkand anestimate
of thenumber ofcopies the manufacturer, producer or production
company initially intends tosell,
(d)	 theordinary selling price oftheCopies the ~Ufacturer, producer or
production company intends to sell and ~e amount ofroyalty
forthem, and. .. . . .	
(e) the earliestdateon which any Of the copies maybe available for
(5) The manufacturer, producer or production company shall make a
mechanical royalty payment oneachcopyofa soundrecording totheownerofthe
copyrightthroughthe appropriate collectiveadministration societyestablished
under section 49ofthisActwithin fourteen daysafterthemanufacturer, producer
ortheproduction company hassentthenotice to theownerof thecopyright or the
person authorised by theowner.
(6) The royalty payable by the, manufacturer, producer or production
company or publisher shallbe an amou1'l.t }\'Ot less than sevenpercentumor such
higherpercentage as the CopyrightTribunalrnay recommend, of the ordinary
retail priceof eachcopyof thesound recordirtgmade under thissection.
(7) It shall bean infringementofcopyright if a manufacturerorpllblisher
deals inacopy ofa sound recording madeundeithis section without themechanical
royalty payment.

Select target paragraph3