No. 12

Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority 2003


(5) A member or employee of the Authority who is subject to this
Act shall be considered to have breached the code if(a) he fails without reasonable cause to make declarations of his
interests as required; or
(b) he knowingly makes a declaration false or misleading in material
particulars thereby affecting the decision.

11. -(I) A member or employee of the Authority shall be considered
to have a conflict of interest for the purposes of this Act if he acquires
any pecuniary or other interest that could conflict with the proper
performance of his duties as a member or employee of the Authority.
(2) Where at any time a member of the Authority has a conflict of
interest in relation to (a) any matter before the Authority for consideration or determination;
(b) any matter the Authority could reasonably expect might come
before it for consideration or determination.
the member shall immediately disclose the conflict of interest to the
other members of the Authority and refrain from taking part, or any
further part, in the consideration or determination of the matter.
(3) Where the Authority becomes aware that a member has a conflict
of interest in relation to any matter which is before the Authority, the
Authority shall direct the member to refrain from taking part, or taking
any further part, in the consideration or determination of the matter.
(4) If the Chairman has a conflict of interest he shall, in addition to
complying with the other provisions of this section, disclose the conflict
to the Minister by written notice.
(5) Upon the Authority becoming aware of any conflict of interest it
must make a determination as to whether in future the conflict is likely
to interfere significantly with the proper and effective performance of
the functions and duties of the member or the Authority and the member
with the conflict of interest shall not vote on this determination.

Select target paragraph3