lawful, shall be punished, with imprisonment, for a term, not
exceeding two years, or with fine, or with both .

Cheating, personation , or use of false capacity for
the purpose of obtaining money, or instrument

Whoever obtains through the informatic network, one of the
computer sets, or the use of a false name, or adopting a false
capacity, for the purpose of seizure, for himself , or others, of an
instrument, or signature of an instrument, shall be punished, with
imprisonment, for a term, not exceeding seven years, or with fine, or
with both.

Obtaining digits or data of credit cards, or whatever
may be deemed as such, without rightful cause

There shall be deemed to have committed an offence whoever,
without rightful

cause, uses the informatic network, one of the

computer sets or whatever may be deemed as such, to reach digits,
or data of credit cards, or whatever may be deemed as such, with
intent to use the same to obtain data, or money of others, or such as
it may avail of services, shall be punished, with imprisonment, for a
term, not exceeding twelve years, or with fine, or with both .

Benefiting, without rightful cause, by communications

Whoever, without rightful cause, benefits by communications
services, through the informatic network, one of the computer sets,
or whatever may be deemed as such, shall be punished, with
imprisonment, for a term, not exceeding seven years, or with fine, or
with both .

Select target paragraph3