Improving access to credit facilities and availability of capital.
Encouraging businesses to go on-line in order to expand customer bases both
within and outside the country.
Lowering barriers to entry for entrepreneurs/small and medium enterprises
(SMMEs) by reducing tax and duty rates on computers, accessories and other
information and communication technologies.
Providing incentives for entrepreneurs/SMMEs to become local developers
and providers of ICT products and services.
6. Ensuring universal access to ICTs by:
Promoting the development and adoption of international standards to ensure
that consumers can easily access ICT services worldwide.
Promoting the development of affordable, user-friendly ICT products and
services that are appropriate to local needs.
Establishing ICT public access points in places such as post offices, schools,
libraries and rural health care clinics among others.
Encouraging the deployment of innovative, scalable technologies that can
reduce the cost of service.
Paying attention to the special needs of marginalised groups of society,
including women, youth, the disabled, the disenfranchised and the elderly.
7. Guiding infrastructure expansion needed to support the delivery of ICTs by:
Ensuring that ICT infrastructure is widely available at an affordable price to
support the delivery of telecommunications, broadcasting, postal and multimedia services.
Ensuring that the deployment of ICT infrastructure is not constrained by
inadequate transport and energy infrastructure.
Encouraging all Government and public sector institutions including
educational institutions, health centres, post offices and Government
ministries and departments to get connected to ICT infrastructure.
Supporting the rollout of ICT public access telecentres in each district capital.
ICT Policy for Lesotho