• Freedom of press
PDF generated: 18 Apr 2016, 15:21
Article 72: Independence of press institutions
The state shall ensure the independence of all press institutions and owned media
outlets, in a way that ensures their neutrality and expressing all opinions, political
and intellectual trends and social interests; and guarantees equality and equal
opportunity in addressing public opinion.
• Freedom of assembly
Article 73: Freedom of House
Citizens have the right to organize public meetings, marches, demonstrations and all
forms of peaceful protest, while not carrying weapons of any type, upon providing
notification as regulated by law.
The right to peaceful, private meetings is guaranteed, without the need for prior
notification. Security forces may not to attend, monitor or eavesdrop on such
Article 74: Freedom to form political parties
• Prohibited political parties
• Restrictions on political parties
• Right to form political parties
Citizens have the right to form political parties by notification as regulated by the
law. No political activity may be exercised or political parties formed on the basis of
religion, or discrimination based on sex, origin, sect or geographic location, nor may
any activity be practiced that is hostile to democracy, secretive, or which possesses a
military or quasi-military nature.
• Regulation of political parties
Parties may only dissolved by a judicial ruling.
• Freedom of association
Article 75: Right to establish associations
Citizens have the right to form non-governmental organizations and institutions on a
democratic basis, which shall acquire legal personality upon notification.
They shall be allowed to engage in activities freely. Administrative agencies shall not
interfere in the affairs of such organizations, dissolve them, their board of directors,
or their board of trustees except by a judicial ruling.
The establishment or continuation of non-governmental organizations and
institutions whose structure and activities are operated and conducted in secret, or
which possess a military or quasi-military character are forbidden, as regulated by
• Right to join trade unions
Article 76: Right to form syndicates
The establishment of federations and syndicates on a democratic basis is a right
guaranteed by law. Such federations and syndicates will possess legal personality, be
able to practice their activities freely, contribute to improving the skills of its
members, defend their rights and protect their interests.
The state guarantees the independence of all federations and syndicates. The boards
of directors thereof may only dissolved by a judicial ruling.
Syndicates may not be established within governmental bodies.
Egypt 2014
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