Traditional Medicine Practice Act. 2000


ACT 575

qualified practitioners have not been employed by the owner or operator of
the practice,
a practitioner in the practice is not a fit or qualified person to be so
there is a breach of quality control requirements in the preparation of the
herbal medicine dispensed by the practice, or
there has been a breach of any of the provisions of sections I] to 26 of the
Food and Drug Act, ]992.2

23. Notice of revocation, suspension or refusal to license
Where the Board intends to revoke, suspend or refuse to issue or renew a licence of a
practice, the Registrar shall give the licensee or applicant
(a) notice of the revocation, suspension or intention to refuse,
(b) reasons for the intention to revoke, suspend or to refuse, and
(c) an opportunity to make representations to the Board.
24. Effect of suspension or cancellation of licence


(I) Where the licence of a practice is suspended or cancelled under this Act the premises shall be closed down and the Board shall arrange for the discharge or transfer of the
patients there.
(2) Despite subsection (I) the Board may direct a patient to remain on the premises and
continue to receive necessary treatment.
25. Representation to the Board
(1) An applicant or licensee who receives a notice under section 23 may make a
representation to the Board within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the notice.
(2) Where a representation is not made under subsection (I), the Board may refuse to
issue a licence applied for or may revoke a licence or temporarily close the practice after
the time specified under subsection (I) has expired.
(3) Where representation is made the affected practice shall subject to section 24 (2)
not operate until the case is determined by the Board.
(4) The Board shall, within three months of the receipt of a representation under subsection (]), take a decision on the representation and inform the applicant of its decision
within fourteen days.
26. Power of entry and inspection
(I) An inspector authorised by the Board may at a reasonable time enter a practice or a
place suspected to be used as a practice or a place for the production of herbal medicines
for sale to investigate activities there and make a report to the Council.

2. P.N.D.C.L. 305B.

VII - 3109

[Issue I]

Select target paragraph3