Traditional Medicine Practice Act, 2000


Training, and


Professional Standards and Ethics.

ACT 575

(3) A committee of the Board shall be chaired by a member of the Board.
(4) The Board shall determine the functions of each committee.
7. Allowances

There shall be paid to the members of the Board, members of a committee of the Board
and persons co-opted to attend meetings of the Board, travelIing and any other allowances
approved by the Minister in consultation with the Minister responsible for Finance.
8. Regional and district offices of the Council

(I) The Board shall establish in each regional capital and in the district as determined
by the Board, regional and district offices of the Council.
(2) A regional or district office of the Council shall be provided with the public officers that the President in accordance with the advice of the Board given in consultation
with the Public Services Commission shall determine.
(3) A regional or district office of the Council shall perform the functions of the
Council in the region or district as directed by the Board.
Registration of Practitioners
9. Registration of practitioners
(I) A person shall not operate or own premises as a practitioner or produce herbal
medicine for sale unless that person is registered in accordance with this Act.
(2) A person seeking full or temporary registration shall apply to the Registrar in the
manner determined by the Board.
10. Qualification for registration
(I) Where the Board is satisfied that
(a) an applicant has adequate proficiency in the practice of traditional medicine and
(b) the application has been endorsed by any two of the following:
(i) the district chairman of the Association; (ii)
the traditional ruler of the community;
(iii) the District Co-ordinating Director,
it shall direct the Registrar to enter the applicant's name in the register of practitioners and
issue the applicant with a certificate of registration on the payment of the prescribed fee by
the applicant.
(2) A person issued with a certificate under subsection (I) shall be known as a practioner
for the purposes of this Act.

VII - 3105

[Issue I]

Select target paragraph3