Traditional Medicine Practice Act, 2000

ACT 575


promote and support training in traditional medicine;


approve in consultation with the educational and research institutions determined by the Board the curriculum for training in traditional medicine in the


collaborate with the Ministry to establish centres for provision of traditional
medical care within the national health care delivery system;


advise the Minister on matters relating to and affecting the practice of traditional medicine;


collaborate with the appropriate agencies for large scale cultivation of medicinal plants and for the preservation of bio-diversity;



advise the Food and Drugs Board in writing on rules for the registration,
advertisement, manufacture, packaging, preparation, labelling, sale, supply,
exportation and importation of herbal medicine;
monitor fees payable by clients for services provided by practitioners; and


perform any other functions that are ancillary to the objectives of the

3. Governing body of the Council

(I) The governing body of the Council is a Board consisting of
(a) five nominees of the Association at least one of whom is a woman,
(b) two persons nominated by the Minister one of whom is the Director of the
Traditional Medicine Services Division of the Ministry,
(c) two representatives from the universities and research institutions one of
whom is a pharmacist with an interest in traditional medicine and the other
a person with an interest in the preservation of biodiversity,
(d) the Director of the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine,
(e) the chief executive of the Food and Drugs Board, and
(f) the Registrar appointed under section 29 who shall be the secretary to the
(2) The members of the Board shall be appointed by the President in accordance with
article 70 of the Constitution.
(3) The Board shall have a chairman who shall be elected by secret ballot by the
members of the Board from the five members of the Association referred to under paragraph (a) of subsection (1).
4. Tenure of office of members
(1) A member of the Board other than an ex officio member shall hold office for a
period not exceeding three years and is eligible for re-appointment but a person shall not
hold office for more than two terms in succession.
(2) Where a member of the Board resigns, dies, is removed from office or is for a
reason unable to act as a member of the Board, the Minister shall notify the President of
the vacancy and the President shall on the advice of the nominating authority where applicable, and acting in consultation with the Council of State, appoint another person to
hold office for the unexpired portion of the member's term of office.

VII - 3103

[Issue I]

Select target paragraph3