ACT 575

Traditional Medicine Practice Act, 2000

(j) works in a practice without the appropriate qualification or registration, or
(k) uses a title to which that person is not qualified, or
(I) operates from a vehicle without a full address being written boldly on that
vehicle, or
(m) fails to keep the required register or records prescribed by the Regulations,
(n) fails to notify a coroner of death in the practice, or
(0) contravenes a provision of this Act,
commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five
hundred penalty units or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding two years or to both the
fine and the imprisonment and in the case of a continuing offence to a further fine of five
penalty units for each day that the offence continues after written notice has been served
on the offender by the Council and the Court may order temporary or permanent closure
of the practice.

40. Regulations
The Minister may, on the advice of the Board, by legislative instrument, make Regulations to
(a) prescribe the standards of safety of and sanitary conditions of a practice;
(b) prescribe a code of ethics for practitioners and for disciplinary matters;


regulate the arrangements for sterilisation and disinfection of a practice and
the prevention of spread of infections from a practice;
prescribe the register and records to be kept in respect of a practice;
prescribe the fees to be paid for registration of practitioners and the licensing of a practice;
regulate the preparation and storage of herbal medicines;
regulate the sale of herbal medicine on vehicles and in public places; and
prescribe the mechanism of consultation between the Council and the Food
and Drugs Board.

41. Effect of Food and Drugs Act

This Act in so far as it relates to herbal medicine shall be in addition to the Food and Drugs
Act, ] 9923 and shall not derogate from the provisions of that Act.
42. Interpretation

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,
"Association" means an association or body of associations of Traditional Medicine
Practitioners recognised by the Minister of Health;
"Board" means the governing body of the Council;

3. P.N.D.C.L. 3058.

VII - 3113

[Issue I]

Select target paragraph3