Rev. 2011]

Kenya Information and Communications

CAP. 411A

be processed by equipment operating automatically in response to
instructions given for that purpose, and includes representations of facts,
information and concepts held in any removable storage medium;
“Director-General” means the Director General of the Commission
appointed under section 6;
“document of title” means a formal document that is considered
sufficient proof that the person who possesses it is entitled to receive,
hold, and dispose of the instrument and the goods that it covers;
“dominant telecommunications service provider” means a
licensee who has been declared by the Commission to be a dominant
telecommunications service provider pursuant to section 84W (4) of
this Act;
“e-Government services” means public services provided
electronically by a Ministry or Government department, local authority,
or any body established by or under any law or controlled or funded
by the Government;
“electronic” means relating to technology having electrical, digital,
magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities;
“electronic form” with reference to information, means any
information generated, sent, received or stored in magnetic, optical,
computer memory, microfilm or similar device;
“electronic Gazette” means the Kenya Gazette published in
electronic form;
“electronic record” means a record generated in digital form by
an information system, which can be transmitted within an information
system or from one information system to another and stored in an
information system or other medium;
“electronic signature” means data in electronic form affixed
to or logically associated with other electronic data which may be
used to identify the signatory in relation to the data message and to
indicate the signatory’s approval of the information contained in the
data message;
“encryption” means a method transforming signals in a systematic
way so that the signal would be unintelligible without a suitable
receiving apparatus;
“equipment” includes any appliance, apparatus or accessory used


Select target paragraph3