commission implementation, the opening and exploitation of a pharmaceutical point of sale
by an A1, A2, A3, nurse or by a pharmacist assistant, in a location which is not served by a
Article: 101
Pharmaceutical point of sales means any premise where the pharmaceutical active limited to
the preservation and retail distribution of some drugs and other pharmaceutical products
whose list shall be determined by an order issued by the Ministry responsible for Health.
Activities of a pharmaceutical point of the sale should be supervised and advised by the
regional authority in charge of pharmaceutical services.
Article: 102
Application for the opening and exploitation shall be addressed in a registered envelope to
the Ministry responsible for Health by one of the persons mentioned in Article 98 of this
An order issued by the Minister responsible for Health shall determine the documents
information accompanying the application.
Article: 103
Authorization to open and exploit a pharmaceutical point of sale shall be granted only a
temporary basis and for one point of sale for a period of 3 years.
If a pharmacy fulfilling the requirements provided for in this Law is set up in the served by
the point of sale the authorization to exploit the point of sale in question shat withdrawn.
A delay of 2 years is granted for the definitive closing down of the mentioned point of or its
transfer to another area without a pharmacy. That authorization is incompatible, except
pharmaceutical points of sale open in the public or authorized health centers, with activities
of other branches of the art of healing and related professions.
Authorization to open and exploit a private pharmaceutical point of sale is individual non
Article: 104
The person entitled to a pharmaceutical point of sale is responsible for the enforcement of
the provisions of this Law relating to pharmaceutical establishments. He/she is subject to the
control by the inspector pharmacists
Article: 105
Penal provisions provided in section VII of this Law are applicable in case of pharmaceutics
Article: 106
Until the Association of Pharmacists is put into place the mission assigned to it will
temporarily be ensure by the Minister responsible for Health

Select target paragraph3