

Form and
conditions etc.
of a licence

Cap. 113

[13th March]

6. (1) Where the sole object of an appl icant for a Iicence under
this Act is to conduct experiments in any of the activities for
which a licence is required under section 3. 4 or 5, and such
experiments are likely to be of publ ic benefit a Iicence may be
granted, in accordance with anyone of those sections, for experimental purposes.
(2) A licence granted for experimental purpOSeSc.;la~!'
subject to such special terms, conditions and restrictions as may
be specified in the licence and any fees payable under the Licences Act in respect of the licence may be waived or remitted
under that Act.

Cap 113


to Official Gazette

of a

7. A li"te~cel'.equired under this Act shall be subject to such
terms and:~nHpittons and restrictions as may be specified in the
licenGe.a'n~1~tl~be in such form as may be determined by the
Licensing Authority and shall be valid, unless earlier revoked. for
such period as may be specified in the licence. 8. (1) The Licensing Authority may revoke or. subject to subsection (2), suspend a licence required under this Act on anyone
or more of the following grounds(i)

failure to pay any fee payable under the Licences Act;


failure to comply with any provision ofthis/u:'l
or the Licences Act in so far as that provision
is applicable to the licence;


failure to comply with any term. condition or
restriction of the licence:


where it is advisable in the national interest.
for a specified reason. to do so.

Cap 113

Cap 113

(2) klicence shall not be suspended for any period exceeding 30 days but where, on any of the grounds specified in subsection (I ), it becomes necessary to extend the period of suspension.

Select target paragraph3