

to Official Gazette

[13th March]

2. In thisAct "aircraft" means every description of aircraft other than the
military aircraft of the Republic;
"broadcasting" means the transmission of programmes.
whether or not encrypted; by radio waves or other means of
telecommunication for direct general reception with thp :::cl
of any equipment or apparatus, but does not include ah)' G,.,·
transmission of programmes made solely for performan~e
or display in a public place;
"broadcasting apparatus" means an apparatus used for broadcasting,butdoes not include a private radio receiving set or a
private television receiver;
."broadc;as1illgservice" means a service which provides regular brQadcasting;
"customer premises equipment" means equipment on the premises of a person not being a telecommunication service Iicensee, used to originate, route or terminate telecommunications;
"dialling parity" means the ability of one licensee to provide
telecommunication services in such manner that his customers can route their telecommun ications. automatically w •.. _
out using an access code, to any other licensee's telecOmmunication service;
"encrypted" means treated electronically or otherwise so as
to prevent intelligible reception in the absence of the means
of decryption;
"inner islands" means the islands described in Part
ute of the Constitution;


Cap. 113

II ofSched-

"licence" means a licence issued under section 6 of the Licences Act;

Select target paragraph3