
to Official Gazette

[13th March]

of that other person to so connect the first mentioned person' s
network, system or equ ipment.
(2) Subject to section 32, a person whose consent is sought
under subsection (I), may withhold such consent if the proposed
interconnection would materially restrict his ability to exploit the
network capacity at his disposal in his own operations.
(3) A person who has obtained the consent referred l.
subsection (1) may, thereafter seek the approval of the Minisrer
for the proposed interconnection.

" (4)AI1 interconnection referred to in this section may be
made only in accordance with the preceding provisions of this
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". '(5) Subject to section 32, the charges in respect of the inter~

" .••.

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connection and the use ofthe connected network shall be agreed
upon by the persons concerned and shall be fair and reasonable
having regard to the service provided by one person and the add itiona Icost accruing to the other person as a result of the interconnection.


31. (I) Subject to subsection (2), a person who provides a telecommun ication service shall. upon the written request of an()th:r
such person perm it the collocation of that other person' s '..
ment within the first mentioned person's facilities.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection ( I ). if a
person satisfies the Minister that, due to technical reasons or Iimitations of space, he is unable to comply with the requirements of
subsection (1), he may be exempted from those requirements by
the Minister.
(3) Subjectto section 32, the rental in respect of faci lities
for the collocation of equipment shall be tixed by agreement between the persons concerned.

Select target paragraph3