Offences and

11. (1) Any person who contravenes any provisions of these Regulations
where no other penalty is prescribed under these Regulations commits
an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three years or to a fine of not less than N1, 000, 000. 00, or to
or to both such imprisonment and fine.
(2)Any person who
(a)	 refuses toi.	 cause each optical disc and each production part manufactured by it in
Nigeria to be marked with the appropriate manufacturer's code as may
be prescribed by the Commission under section 5(1) of these
ii.	 produce any book, documents or keep records and make returns as
required either under the CopyrightAct, or under these Regulations;
iii.	 give any information or explanation required to be given under these
Regulations; or
(b)	 in the conduct of his business pursuant to a registration or approval
granted under these Regulations:
i.	 produces any book, documents or make returns that is false;
ii.	 gives any information or explanation, which is false or misleading in any
material particular,
commits an offence under these Regulations, and shall on conviction be
liable to imprisonment for a term of not less than 2 years or to a fine of not
less than N500,000 or such imprisonment and fine for refusal, or every
false or misleading information given and where the offence continue, to
a fine of not more than N10,000.00 for everyday the offence continues.


12.	 The fees to be paid in relation to any transaction under these Regulations
shall be as stipulated in the Fourth Schedule to these Regulations.
13.	 In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires­
“Copyright Inspector” means any person appointed as a Copyright
Inspector under the CopyrightAct.
“manufacture” means the making, or processing of raw materials into
optical discs, whether pre-recorded, blank, or blank recordable, as well
as the making or processing of production parts.
“manufacturer's code” means the code issued to a registered person in
accordance with any prescription by the Commission.
“manufacturing equipment” means any machine, equipment or device,
including mastering equipment, used for the manufacture of optical
discs or production parts, including but not limited to:
(a)	 Glass or polymer masters;
(b)	 Direct Stamper Recording System;


Select target paragraph3