(a) has in the period beginning three (3) years prior to the date of lodging the
application, been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction in
Nigeria of an offence under these Regulations or of an offence relating to
a copyright work, or
(b) has manufactured optical discs or production parts, or engaged in
commercial optical disc duplication without the required registration; or
(c) is for any reason not considered by the Commission to be a fit and proper
person or legal entity to be registered ;
(2)	 The Commission shall suspend a registration if
(a)	 the registered person has been charged with an offence under these
Regulations or an offence involving an infringement of a trademark,
copyright or neighbouring right, or
(b)	 any other person or legal entity has been charged with an offence,
committed in the registered premises, under these Regulations or an
offence committed in the registered premises involving an infringement
of a trademark, copyright or neighbouring right, or
(c)	 if an offence under these Regulations or an offence involving an
infringement of a trademark, copyright or neighbouring right has been
committed in the registered premises but the offender has not been
(3)	 The Commission shall revoke a registration if:
(a)	 the registered person has been convicted of an offence under these
Regulations or of an offence involving an infringement of copyright or
neighbouring right; or
(b)	 any other person or legal entity has been convicted of an offence,
committed in the registered premises, under these Regulations or of an
offence involving an infringement of copyright or neighbouring right.
(4) The Commission shall terminate a registration if, the registered person
ceases permanently to manufacture optical discs or production parts in
the registered premises.
(5) The Commission shall order the closure of the plant if any person or legal
entity manufacturing optical discs or production parts has been
convicted of an offence under these Regulations or of an offence
involving an infringement of copyright or neighbouring right.
(6)	 The Commission may order the closure of the plant if, there has been a
refusal to issue or renew a registration, or if a registration has been
revoked, and the plant continues in operation without registration.


Select target paragraph3