No. 41A



Kenya Information and Communications (Amendment) 	2013

"(3) The Director-General shall be
recruited and appointed by the Board
through a competitive process.
(4) The Board shall determine the terms and conditions
)f service of the Director-General, in consultation with the
3 ublic Service Commission.
(6) The Director-General shall be appointed for a term of
our years renewable once".
Repeal of section 12
of No. 2 of 1998.

Amendment of
section 23 of No. 2 of

10. The Principal Act is amended by repealing section
11. Section 23 of the principal Act is amended by —
(a) deleting paragraph (d);
(b) renumbering paragraph (e) as paragraph (d);
(c) inserting a new paragraph immediately after
paragraph (d) as follows —
"(e) have regard to the values and principles of the
Constitution - .

Insertion of I u...%% sub-	
Part in No. 2 of 1998.

The principal Act is amended by inserting the
following new sub-Part immediately after section 27—
Registration of SIM-Cards

Duties of	27A. ( I )

ions operators.

Before a telecommunications
operator sells a SI M-card or otherwise provides
telecommunication services to a person, it shall

from natural persons, the person's
full name, identity card number,
date of birth, gender, physical and
postal address;


from corporate persons or statutory
bodies, official name, postal and
physical address, particulars of

Select target paragraph3