Supplement to Qfficial Gazette

[21stApril 2014]

(5) Upon the death of the author, the natural person or
legal entity upon whom or which the moral rights have
devolved shall have the right to waive the said rights.
for personal

9.(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2), the
private reproduction of a published work in a single copy shall
be permitted without the authorisation of the author or other
owner of copyright, where the reproduction is made by a
natural person exclusively for his or her own personal
(2) The provisions of subsection (1) shall not extend to
(a) 	 of a work of architecture in the form of
building or other construction;
(b) 	 in the form of reprography of the whole or of
a substantial part of a book or of a musical
work in the form of notation;
(c) 	 of the whole or of a substantial part of a
database in digital form;
(d) 	 of a computer program, except as provided in
section IS; and
(e) 	 of any work in cases where reproduction
would conflict with a normal exploitation of
the work or would othenvise unreasonably
prejudice the legitimate interests of the
author or other owner of the copyright.


The temporary reproduction of a work shall be
permitted if all the following conditions are met­

(a) 	 the reproduction is made in the process of a
digital transmission of the work or an act of
making a digitally stored work perceptible;

Select target paragraph3