Throughout the project, operators have had input to the process,
specifically through:

a stakeholder workshop to introduce the project;
individual meetings with the consultants to discuss inter alia
data availability;
review of the inception report;
submission of data for market model;
review of the market report;
submission of data for cost models;
review of the cost models;
review of the draft final report for stakeholders, draft
interconnection technical guidelines, draft costing guidelines,
and draft price cap guidelines.

All operators were afforded adequate opportunity to make their
submissions and contribute to the study in all stages.

After reviewing the Study Report on cost based interconnection rates,
the Commission concurs with the results of the study that:
Involvement of Stakeholders
The Commission is satisfied that all stakeholders were involved in the
process of carrying out the study in a transparent manner. The
Commission received written submissions from the operators and oral
contributions were made during the stakeholders’ workshop held on
12th January 2007, where a number of comments were received.
The LRIC Methodology
The Commission is satisfied that the LRIC methodology which was
used in the study is the appropriate basis for determining
interconnection rates as it: reflects Modern Equivalent Costs of
networks; is Forward Looking; encourages economic efficiency; and
encourages new entrants to enter the market.


Select target paragraph3