The study adopted a highly transparent and consultative process which included receipt
of written and oral submissions by operators, review and consideration of comments
made and provision of appropriate responses to those comments.
Consultations with Industry Stakeholders
The study adopted a participatory methodology, wherein all telecommunications
operators and other stakeholders were involved through face-to-face interactions
and through telephone and email consultation from inception to finalization of the
study. The study was officially launched during the inception workshop on 9th
April 2010. During the launch, individualized consultative meetings with the
licensees were convened that among other things, agreed on the methodology and
data collection schedules.
At the preliminary stage, the study involved literature review, benchmarking,
consultations, and written submissions to get views from the operators. A draft
final report was then presented to the stakeholders on 17th June 2010 upon which
additional focused consultative meetings with operators were held and specific
issues on costing and pricing models for each operator were discussed.
Further, after the stakeholders’ dissemination workshop, an abridged version of
the draft final report complete with the specific operators’ model was prepared
and shared with the industry on 24th June 2010. The operators were also given
another opportunity to make their final written submissions.
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