where the copy is made in order to preserve and, if necessary replace a copy, or to
replace a copy which has been lost, destroyed or rendered unusable in the permanent
collection of another similar library or archive, provided that it is impossible to obtain
such a copy under reasonable conditions, and provided further that the act of
reprographic reproduction is an isolated case occurring, if repeated, on separate and
unrelated occasions.
17. Reproduction and adaptation of computer programmes
(1) The reproduction, in a single copy, or the adaptation of a computer by the lawful
owner of a copy of that computer programme shall be permitted without the authorization of the
author or other owner of copyright, provided that the copy or adaptation is necessary(a) for use of the computer programme with a computer for the purpose and extent for
which the computer programme has been obtained; or
(b) for archival purposes and for the replacement of the lawfully owned copy of the
computer in the event that the said copy of the computer is lost, destroyed or rendered
(2) No copy or adaptation of a computer programme shall be used for any purpose other
than those specified in subsection (1), and any such copy or adaptation shall be destroyed in
the event that continued possession of the copy of the computer ceases to be lawful.
18. Reproduction broadcasting and other communication to the public
The following acts shall be permitted in respect of a work without the authorisation of the
author or other owner of copyright, subject to the obligation to indicate the source and the name
of the author as far as practicable(a) the reproduction in a newspaper or other periodical, the broadcasting or other
communication to the public, of an article published in a newspaper or periodical on
current economic, political or religious topics or a broadcast work of the same
character, provided that this permission shall not apply where the right to authorise
reproduction, broadcasting or other communication to the public is expressly reserved
on the copies by the author or other owner of copyright, or in connection with
broadcasting or other communication to the public of the work;
(b) the reproduction and the broadcasting or other communication to the public, for the
purpose of reporting current events, of short excerpts of a work seen or heard in the
course of such events, to the extent justified by the purpose; or
(c) the reproduction in a newspaper or periodical, the broadcasting or other
communication to the public of a political speech, a lecture, address, sermon or other
work of a similar nature delivered in public, or a speech delivered during legal
proceedings, to the extend justified for the purpose of providing current information.
19. Temporary reproduction
The temporary reproduction of a work shall be permitted if all of the following conditions
are met(a) the reproduction is made in the process of a transmission of the work or an act of
making a stored work perceptible;
(b) it is caused by a person or entity that, by virtue of authorisation by the owner of the
copyright or of operation of law, is entitled to make that transmission or make the work
perceptible; and
(c) it is an accessory to the transmission or making perceptible that occurs during the
normal operation of the equipment used and entails the automatic deletion of the copy
without enabling the retrieval of the work for any other purpose than those referred to in
paragraphs (a) and (b).
20. Importation for personal purposes
The importation of a copy of a work by any person for his own personal purposes shall
be permitted without the authorization of the author or other owner of copyright.
Copyright Government of Botswana