Electronic and Postal Communication (Licensing)
G.N. No. 430 (contd)

telecommunication systems identify the particular
Subscriber Identity Module and its installed information;
“subscriber” means a person who receives communication
service or a content service under an agreement with or
pursuant to terms and conditions established by an
applications or a content service licensee;
“Subscriber Identity Module” in its abbreviation SIM means an
electronic communication module used to identify a
“support services” means a service which consists of the
provisions management services to a subscription
broadcasting service which may include, but is not
limited to subscriber management support, subscription
fee collection, call centres, sales and marketing and
technical and installation;
“traffic” means voice calls and / or data communication
between subscribers;
“virtual application services licence” means an electronic
communication licence entitling the holder who does not
own any network facilities nor operate any network to
provide one or more application services;
“VSAT” means a very small aperture terminal (two-way or oneway) satellite ground station satellite which operate in
Ku-band and C-band frequencies with antenna sizes
ranging from 75cm to 1.8m for Ku-band and 1.8m to
2.4m for C-band with data rates ranging from 56Kbps up
to 4Mbps;
“VSAT licence” means a licence entitling the holder to use very
small aperture terminals.


Select target paragraph3