2/7/01 10:40 PM

N.C. J. INT’L L. & COM. REG.

[Vol 24

traditional community-based assistance and fraternity, love for
family, respect for elders, mutual respect and consideration;
Convinced that the establishment of a democratic order,
through the participation of and in response to the needs and
interests of citizens, which guarantees the recognition and
protection of the rights of citizens, human dignity, equality,
balanced development and the satisfaction of the material and
spiritual needs of citizens, is the foundation of economic growth,
social harmony and progress;
Noting the fact that the Eritrean women’s heroic participation
in the struggle for independence, human rights and solidarity,
based on equality and mutual respect, generated by such struggle
will serve as an unshakable foundation for our commitment to
create a society in which women and men shall interact on the
bases of mutual respect, solidarity and equality;
Desirous that the Constitution we are adopting will be a
covenant between us and the government, which we will be
forming by our free-will, to serve as a means for governing in
harmony this and future generations and for bringing about justice
and peace, founded on democracy, national unity and the rule of
Today, 23 May 1997, on this historic date, after active popular
participation, approve and solemnly ratify, through the Constituent
Assembly, this Constitution as the fundamental law of our
Sovereign and Independent State of Eritrea.

Article 1 - The State of Eritrea and its Territory


Eritrea is a sovereign and independent State founded on the
principles of democracy, social justice and the rule of law.
The territory of Eritrea consists of all its territories, including
the islands, territorial waters and airspace, delineated by
recognised boundaries.
In the State of Eritrea, sovereign power is vested in the
people, and shall be exercised pursuant to the provisions of
this Constitution.

Select target paragraph3