2/7/01 10:40 PM
Ratified by the Constituent Assembly,
On May 23, 1997
Preamble ..................................................................................... 521
Chapter I:
General Provisions.............................................. 522
Chapter II:
National Objectives And Directive Principles.... 524
Chapter III: Fundamental Rights, Freedoms And Duties....... 527
Chapter IV: The National Assembly ...................................... 533
Chapter V:
The Executive ..................................................... 537
Chapter VI: The Administration Of Justice............................ 541
Chapter VII: Miscellaneous Provisions ................................... 543
We the people of Eritrea, united in a common struggle for our
rights and common destiny:
With Eternal Gratitude to the scores of thousands of our
martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the causes of our rights and
independence, during the long and heroic revolutionary struggle
for liberation, and to the courage and steadfastness of our Eritrean
patriots; and standing on the solid ground of unity and justice
bequeathed by our martyrs and combatants;
Aware that it is the sacred duty of all citizens to build a strong
and advanced Eritrea on the bases of freedom, unity, peace,
stability and security achieved through the long struggle of all
Eritreans, which tradition we must cherish, preserve and develop;
Realising that in order to build an advanced country, it is
necessary that the unity, equality, love for truth and justice, selfreliance, and hard work, which we nurtured during our
revolutionary struggle for independence and which helped us to
triumph, must become the core of our national values;
Appreciating the fact that for the development and health of
our society, it is necessary that we inherit and improve upon the