No. 18
Tanzania Communications
1993 9
4.-(1) The Commission shall consist of(a) a Chairman who shall be appointed by the President; and
(b) not less than four nor more than six other members who shall
be appointed by the Minister.
(2) The provisions of the First Schedule to this Act shall have effect
as to the tenure of office and the termination of the appointment of
members of the Commission, as well as to the proceedings of the Commission and other matters in relation to the Commission.
(3) The Minister may by notice published in the Gazette amend vary
or alter any of the provisions of the First Schedule to the Act.
5.-(l) The functions of the Commission shall be(a) to ensure that there are provided throughout the United. Republic
good and sufficient domestic and international telecommunications (except broadcasting and television) and postal services and
such other services on such terms as the Commission may think
(b) without prejucide to the generality of paragraph (a) to ensure
that any person by whom any telecommunication or postal services fall to be provided is able to provide these services at rates
consisted with efficient and continuous service and necessity for
maintaining independent financial viability;
(c) to promote the development of telecommunication and postal
systems and services in accordance with, practicable recognised
international standard practices and public demand;
(d) to exercise licensing and regulatory functions in respect of telecommunication and postal systems and services in the United
Republic, including the establishment of standards and codes
relating to equipment attached to telecommunication and radio
communication system;
(e) to exercise licensing and regulatory functions in respect of allocation and use of satellite orbits. and radio frequency spectrum in
the United Republic for all purposes, including establishment of
standards and codes relating to any matter in connection therewith;
(f) to regulate the fixing of rates of postage and other fees or sums
to be charged in respect of postal articles sent under this Act;
(g) to regulate the fees and commissions on postal financial services;
(h) to regulate the performance of postal financial services on behalf
of government and non-government agencies;
(i) to regulate the issuance of postage stamps including definitive,
commemorative and special issues of postage stamps and any
other philatelic items;
(j) to ensure that the terms conditions stated in a licence granted
under sections 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 are complied with;
Constitution of the
and duties
of the