8 No. 18
Tanzania Communications
" telecommunication system'' means any system used or intended to
be used for telecommunications;
" telecommunications'' means a transmission, emission or reception
of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds or intelligence of any
nature by wire, radio, optical or other electro-magnetic systems
whether or not such signs, signals, writing, images, sounds or
intelligence have been subjected to rearrangement, computation
or other processes by any means in the course of their transmission, emission or reception;
" vessel'' includes any ship, boat, air-cushioned vehicle or floating
rig or platform used in any form of operations at sea or any other
description of vessel;
(2) For the purpose of this Act(a) the delivery of the postal article shall be delivered if
(i) it is delivered into the letter box of the addressee or by
leaving it at the house or office of the addressee, or with
the addressee, or with his employee, or agent, or other person authorised to receive it and, where the addressee is a
guest or is resident at a hotel, hostel or lodging or of a similar
nature, if it is left with the proprietor or manager thereof
or with his agent; or
(ii) it is deposited into a posting box or handed over to an
employee or agent of a public postal licensee authorised to
receive it;
(b) A postal article-shall be in the course of transmission by post
from the time of its being delivered to the postal public licensee
to the time of its being delivered to the addressee, or its being
returned to the sender or otherwise disposed of under this Act.
Establish3.-(1) There is hereby established a Commission to be known as
ment of the Tanzania Communications Commission.
the Commission
(2) The Commission shall be a body corporate and shall(a) have perpetual succession and a common seal;
(b) in its corporate name be capable of suing and being sued;
(c) be capable of purchasing and otherwise acquiring or alienating
any movable or immovable property;
(d) have power from time to time to exercise and perform such other
power and functions as are conferred by or under this Act.