WIPO Database of Intellectual Property
Legislative Texts


(Section 45(2))
4. Subject to any directions that may be given by the Registrar, all applications, notices,
counterstatements, or any other documents required by the Act or by these regulations to be lodged or left
with or sent to the Registrar, shall be type-written, lithographed or printed in one of the official languages of
the Republic in legible characters with deep permanent black ink upon one side only of strong A4 size paper
and shall have on the left-hand part thereof a margin of not less than 35 millimetres.

(Section 43)
(1) Any application, statement, notice or other document authorised or required to be lodged, left,
made or given with, to or at the Office or with or to the Registrar may be sent through the post; any such
document so sent shall not be deemed to have been duly sent unless and until it is actually received in the
(2) Any statement, notice or other document authorised or required to be left, made or given with or
to any person other than the Registrar may be sent through the post; any document so sent shall be deemed to
have been delivered in the ordinary course of post, and in proving such service or sending it shall be
sufficient to prove that the letter was properly addressed and put into the post.
(3) All statements, notices or other documents for the purposes of proceedings relating to the
register, licensees or assignees shall be left with or sent to the owner, licensee or assignee of the
cinematograph film at his address for service as it appears in the register.

(Section 43)
(1) An address for service shall in all cases be in the Republic, not be a post box number and be as
full as possible so as to enable any person to find such an address.
(2) Where an address for service is in a town with streets or in a multi-storied building the Registrar
may require the address to include all indications which he may deem necessary to
find such address.
(3) Where an address for service is in an area where there are no streets the address given shall
contain such further indications as the Registrar may deem necessary to find the exact
location of such address.
(4) An address for service may, in addition, contain a post office box number in special cases if
such additional information could facilitate postal delivery.

(Sections 6(6), 16 and 43(2))
(1) Every applicant, registered owner or registered licensee who changes his address or address for
service shall forthwith apply to the Registrar on Form RF 4 to record such change on the relevant documents
or in the register and the Registrar shall alter the documents and register accordingly.


Cinematographic Films, Regulations, 24/10/1980, No. R.2140

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