Office may require the breeder to furnish within a period of three months as from the filing
date of the subsequent application a copy of the documents that constitute the first
application, certified to be a true copy by the authority with which that application was filed,
together with samples or any other evidence that the variety which is the subject matter of
both applications is the same.
The breeder shall be allowed a period of two years after the expiration of the period of
priority or, where the first application is rejected or withdrawn, a period laid down by the
Competent Office as from the rejection or withdrawal, in which to furnish to the Competent
Office any information, document or material required by this Law for the purpose of the
examination referred to in Article 50 below.
Events occurring within the period referred to in Article 12 above, such as the filing of
another application or the publication or use of the variety that is the subject matter of the first
application, shall not constitute a ground for rejecting the subsequent application. Such
events shall also not give rise to any third-party right.

Article 14
A variety shall be designated by a denomination which will be its generic designation.
Such denomination shall not:
(a) be liable to mislead or to cause confusion concerning the characteristics, value or
identity of the variety or the identity of the breeder, or be liable to cause confusion with any
other denomination that has already been filed or registered for an existing variety of the same
botanical species or of a similar species;
(b) be contrary to public policy, morality or international conventions;
(c) consist solely of figures except where this is an established practice for
designating varieties of the species concerned.
If the same variety has already been filed or registered in another State, the
denomination that has been used must be adopted unless it is not suitable for reasons of a
linguistic nature, of public policy or of morality, or unless the denomination does not satisfy
the requirements of the first paragraph above. Where such is the case, the breeder shall be
required to propose another denomination in accordance with Article 41 below.

Article 15
Any person who offers for sale or markets propagating material of a protected variety
on the territory of Morocco shall be required to use the denomination of that variety, even
after the end of the term of protection, subject to third-party rights.
Prior rights of third parties shall not be affected. If, by reason of a prior right, the use of
a variety denomination is forbidden to a person who, under the provisions of the first
paragraph above, is obliged to use the denomination, the Competent Office shall require the
breeder to propose another denomination for the variety.
When a variety is offered for sale or marketed, it shall be permitted to associate a
trademark, trade name or other similar indication with a registered variety denomination. If

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