conspicuous manner(a)
(i) in the case where an offending mark is applied to the
goods themselves, to the goods themselves; or
in the case where an offending mark is applied to any covering,
label or other attachment, either by means of such covering, label or
other attachment or to the goods themselves;
so as to render unlikely the obliteration, erasure or detachment of
such name in the ordinary course of handling prior to sale to the
consumer; and
in a prominent position and so placed that it can be easily read
without detaching or unwrapping any part of the covering in which the
goods may be offered for sale, or wherever an offending mark is applied.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), the Minister may,
by statutory notice, and for the purposes of sections seven and eight,
prescribe in respect of goods specified in such notice the manner in
which the name of the country shall be applied and in that event the
provisions of subsection (1) shall not apply in relation to those goods.
(No. 17 of 1959 as amended by G.N. No. 153 of 1964)
11. (1) If the import of any goods into Zambia is prohibited in terms of Marking of
paragraph (b) of section nine, the Controller of Customs and Excise,
goods on
being furnished by the importer thereof with proof of the country
in which the goods were manufactured, made, produced, assembled or
mixed; and
being satisfied that the goods are capable of being marked so as
to comply with the requirements of section seven or eight, as the case
may be;
may, within such time as he may specify, permit the importer of the
goods to mark them so as to comply with such requirements.
(2) If the goods are marked within the time specified in terms of
Cap. 322
subsection (1) to the satisfaction of the Controller of Customs and
Excise, such goods may, notwithstanding the provisions of section forty