24/ 1937(1)

(under section 13 of the Act )
Datl' of commencemen t .. 22nd April, 1937.
Detention of certain prohibited import s.
Goods prohi bited to be imported, as having app lied to them fo rged tra de marks,
fa lse tr ade descriptions, or figures, letters, ma rks, names, words, or descripti ons o therw ise
illegal , whic h upon examinat ion may be detected by the officers of c usto ms , are to be detain ed
by them wit hout the requirement of previ ous information.
information to be give n by informan t.

In giving information with a view to detention, an informan t sha ll ­
(a)	 give to the director of customs or a custo ms officer at the port of entry or

expected imp ort at ion , notice in writing, sta ting : the marks and number s,
or other description s sufficient for the identification of the package s and
goods , the mod e of conveyance, th e manner in wh ich the goo ds infringe the
Act , a nd the expected day of the a rr ival of the goo ds; and
(b)	 deposit with the direc to r of cus tom s a sum sufficient in the opi nio n of that

officer to cover an y additiona l expense which may be incur red in th e exam­
inati on req uired by reason of h is noti ce.
Delivery and detention ofgoods upon arrival and ex am ination.
(1 ) If up on arrival and examination of the goods, the director of customs is satisfied
that there exists no gro und for their de tention , the y will be delivered.

(2) If he is not sa tisfied, he s ha ll detai n the goods, as in a case of detention upon
ordina ry examin ation , or require security from the informant for reim burs ing him or his
officers all expe nses and damages incurred in respect of the deten tion mad e on the information
given and of an y proceedings con seque nt thereon.
S ecurity required.
(1) The security thus req uired mu st be an immediat e ad valorem dep osit of twent y
rand per centum on the value of the goods as fixed by the officer fro m th e qu an tities or value
as shown hy the entry (or as ma y be asses sed on examina tion ) and also su bsequent ly a bond
to be completed with in fo ur days in double such value of the goods with two a pproved
sure ties.
(2) Th e ad valorem dep osit will be returned up on due co mp letion of the bond, and
need not be required to be made at all if, as a n alte rna tive, where time permits, the informant
prefer s to give a like bond , before examina tion , up on the estimated value of the goo ds
declar ed to by him , und er solemn decla ration and approved by the director of customs.
(3) If the security is not dul y given, as requ ired by this regul ation , th e goods shall not
be furthe r detained.
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