amended by section 3 of Act 14 of 1981
5. Section 7 of the principal Act is here 'y amended by the substitution for paragraph (b)ofsubsection
(3) of the following paragraph:
"(b) that such additional information or specimens as he or she may deem necessary to determine
whether or not the variety concerned constitutes a new variety referred to in section 2, be furnished to
him or her.".
Amendment of section 8 of '"ct 15 of 1976, as amended by section 6 of Act 5 of 1980
6. Section 8 of the principal Act is hereby amended(a) by the substitution in subsection (2) for the words preceding paragraph (a) of the following words:
"If an application in terms of section 7 is preceded by an application by or on behalf of the same
applicant for protection of the same new variety in a convention country or an agreement country and
the last-mentioned application has been deposited in accordance with the laws in force in that
country, the registrar shall, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (l) of this section, give
priority to the first-mentioned application if-";
(b) by the substitution for paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of the following paragraph:
"(a) it is submitted to the registrar in the prescribed/arm manner within the prescribed a period of 12
months of the date on which such preceding application was duly deposited in a convention Country
or an agreement country;"; and
(c) by the substitution for subsections (3), (4) and (5) of the following subsections, respectively:
"(3) A claim referred to in subsection (2)(b) shall within the prescribed period, which shall not be less
than three months, of the date on which it was submitted to the registrar, be confirmed by lodging
with the registrar a copy, certified as correct by the appropriate authority in the convention country or
agreement country in question, of each document which constituted the relevant preceding
(4) An application given priority under subsection (2) shall, within the prescribed period, which shall
not exceed 4 be less than t1I'O years, reckoned from the date on which the prescribed period of 12
months contemplated in subsection (3) (2) expired, be confirmed by supplementing it in any respect
necessary in order to comply with the requirements of this Act.
(5) If two or more applications for the protection of the same new variety have been deposited on
different dates in different convention countries or agreement countries, the period referred to in
subsection (2)(a) shall be calculated from the date on which the earliest of such applications was
deposited with the appropriate authority.",
Amendment of section 10 of Act 15 of 1976, as substituted by section 8 of Act 5 of 1980
7. Section 10 of the principal Act is hereby amended-