majority of the interconnecting operators.
(5) The Commission may exempt an interconnection licensee from the obligation
under paragraph (1), where—
(a) an interconnection agreement is prohibited by law;
(b) the licence issued to a licensee does not permit a licensee to offer the services
for which the interconnection is requested;
(c) the requested interconnection is rendered impossible as a result of technical
specifications; or
(d) the interconnection would endanger the life or safety or result in injury of any
person or harm to the interconnect licensee’s property or hinder the quality of the
services provided by the licensed service provider.
(6) The Commission shall publish any exemption granted under paragraph (5) of
this Regulation.
5. Negotiation of interconnection agreements.
(1) An interconnect licensee shall provide interconnection information to an
interconnecting licensee upon receipt of written request.
(2) An interconnecting licensee's request for interconnection shall be given
reasonable priority over customer orders of the interconnect licensee.
(3) Parties to an interconnection agreement shall negotiate in good faith and
reasonably endeavour to resolve disputes relating to the form and subject of an
interconnection agreement that may arise.
(4) Parties to an interconnection agreement shall negotiate freely between
themselves and each negotiating party shall not—
(a) intentionally mislead the other party;
(b) coerce the other party into making an agreement that it would not otherwise
have made; or
(c) intentionally delay or obstruct negotiations.

Select target paragraph3