AN ACT to amend the 1973 Act to Amend the Public Authorities Law to create the Liberia
Telecommunication Corporation; to amend the ‘1978 Executive Law’ creating The Ministry of Posts
and Telecommunications; to repeal Act No.18 of the National Transitional Legislative Assembly of
Liberia, establishing an interim framework for telecommunications regulation; and to establish a
legislative framework for policy making, regulation and development of the telecommunications
sector in the Republic of Liberia,
IS ENACTED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia in Legislature


Short Title


This Act may be cited as the Telecommunications Act 2007.


Definitions and Interpretation


In this Act,
“Act” means this Telecommunications Act of 2007;
“affiliate” means, in relation to any one person, any other person directly or
indirectly controlling or controlled by or under direct or indirect common control
with such specified person;
“Board” means the governing board of the Liberia Telecommunications Corporation
appointed pursuant to Section 13(1) and Schedule A to this Act;
“broadcasting service” means the transmission of radio or video programming to the
public on a free, pay, subscription or other basis, whether by cable television,
terrestrial or satellite means, or by any other means of telecommunication;
“Cabinet” means the Minister and other ministers of the Government appointed to
Cabinet by the President and confirmed by the Senate;
“Chairman” means the person appointed, from among the five Commissioners, to
head the Commission pursuant to Section 9 (2);


Select target paragraph3