


Part 5 - Compliance : Division B - National Liquor Authority Office Functio11$


a person who has been authorised in writing by the Secretary for Customs and Excise to purchase
or obtain methylated spirit from a manufacturer of methylated spirit for any purpose, and subject to
any conditions, that the Secretary may have determined; or


an agent or master of a ship, if the methylated spirit is intended for export.

An authorised dealer may sell or supply methylated spirit in bulk only to:


another authorised dealer;


a person 'vho has been authorised in \Vriting by the Secretary for Custon1s and Excise to purchase
or obtain methylated spirit from a manufacturer of methylated spirit for any purpose, and subject to
any conditions, that the Sccretal)· may have detennined: or




a medical practitioner, dentist, veterinarian, or an educational institution.

An authorised dealer must not sell or supply methylated spirit-


on a closed day; or


on any other day before 08h00 or after l 7h00.

Quantity sold and conditions of containers

A person manufacturing methylated spirit must not sell or supply that spirit other than in bulk.


An authorised dealer must sell methylated spirit either -



in bulk, to the extent permitted by Regulation 3(2); or


in a container holding at least 500 millilitres and not more than I 000 millilitres.

An authorised dealer must not sell more than 2 litres of methylated spirit at one time to a person not

referred to in Regulation 3(2).

Except when sold in bulk, methylated spirit, must be sold or supplied in transparent receptacles (a)

\vith a capacity of at least 500 millilitres and not more than 1 000 millilitres;


which are securely stoppered or corked; and


which arc labelled -

Select target paragraph3