The Laws of Zambia
the form of licences, the terms and conditions to be contained in licences
and the periods for which licences shall remain in force;
receivers; or
apparatus for carrying on diffusion services; which are used by such
persons or classes of institutions as the Minister may on the
recommendation of the Board specify;
the circumstances in which and the conditions including the payment of a
fee subject to which copies of licences may be obtained.
34. (1) A person who-
fails or refuses to register as a dealer with the Corporation when required to
do so under this Act; or
fails or refuses to furnish a return or to supply information to the corporation
in the manner and in the time prescribed;
furnishes, a false or incomplete return or incomplete information to the
Corporation; or
on being required to do so, fails or refuses to produce to an inspector a
licence issued under this Act, or a book, record or document relating to
receivers which is in his possession or under his control; or
wilfully delays or obstructs an inspector of the Corporation in the exercise of
the powers conferred upon him by or under this Act; or
fails or refuses, without reasonable cause, to give information to an
inspector of the Corporation in the exercise of the powers conferred upon
him by or under this Act; or
fails or refuses, without reasonable cause, to do anything when required to
do so by an inspector in terms of section thirty; or
fails to comply with the terms and conditions of a licence issued to him in
terms of this Act; or
for the purpose of obtaining, whether for himself or another person, the
issue of a licence in terms of this Act, makes a declaration or statement
which he knows to be false in any material particular or does not know or
believe to be true, or knowingly makes use of a declaration or statement or
document containing the same; or
Copyright Ministry of Legal Affairs, Government of the Republic of Zambia
Offences and