The Laws of Zambia


injures or interferes with the working of a radio station or the carrying on of
radiocommunication, telephone or telegraph services established by the
Telecommunications Corporation either before or after the date of the issue
of the licence; or


is likely to injure or interfere with apparatus, equipment, circuits,
instruments, wires and the like installed, erected or operated by the
Telecommunication Corporation either before or after the date of the issue
of the licence.

(3) The Minister shall not be liable to refund to a broadcaster or operator of a
diffusion service whose licence is cancelled in terms of this section the fee or any portion
of the fee paid on the issue of the licence.

32. No person shall, after the commencement of this Act, assume for the purposes
of business or be registered under the Companies Act, under(a)

the name "Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation"


a name which includes with the word "broadcast" or "broadcasting" or
"diffusion" or "rediffusion" the word "National", "Zambia", "Zambian", "state"
or "Corporation".

33. (1) The Minister may by statutory instrument prescribe all matters which by this
Act are required or permitted to be prescribed, or which are necessary or convenient to be
prescribed for carrying out the provisions of this Act.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the Minister may by
regulation provide for-


the registration of dealers with the Corporation and the information to be
supplied to the Corporation in connection with applications for registration;


the keeping of books, records and documents, the furnishing of returns and
the supply of information to the Corporation relating to dealings in receivers;


the form and manner in which applications for licences are to be made and
the information to be supplied in connection therewith;


the circumstances in which and the terms and conditions subject to which
licences shall be issued;

Copyright Ministry of Legal Affairs, Government of the Republic of Zambia

Restriction on use of
name of Corporation
Cap. 388

Regulatory powers of

Select target paragraph3